
Results: 5
"It's Too Hat in Here?" The Perception of NCS a-Fronting
What is the role of specific items in carrier phrases in promoting or demoting an advantage in understanding words that contain advanced tokens of change-in-progress sounds? Labov and Ash (1997) and Plichta (2004) note such an...
The Failure of Copenhagen
Brad R. King
Jan 26, 2012
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today, an issue that requires a global solution. It is for this reason that a UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 15) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, with the...
After Lisbon
Brad R. King
Dec 14, 2010
This article argues that with the full implementation of the Lisbon Treaty - a process due to unfold over the next decade - the EU will become more politically integrated. It develops a model to determine degrees of EU political...